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Except using the coupons, more discount for orders are available for all registered members on MMOBUY.COM. Our Member Center has upgraded to help customers to earn more extra discount for orders, follow the given steps below to get certain discount and use them directly when you place orders at our website.
Our VIP system will help you save money, please don't miss this precious opportunity. Start registering as a member of MMOBUY website now to become a distinguished VIP, and every order you make will receive additional VIP discounts!
VIP 1: You are VIP1 when your VIP XP is less than $200, which can help you save 1% when checking out
VIP 2: You are VIP2 when your VIP XP is more than $200 and less than $800, which can help you save 2% when checking out
VIP 3: You are VIP3 when your VIP XP is more than $800 and less than $1500, which can help you save 3% when checking out
VIP 4: You are VIP4 when your VIP XP is more than $1500 and less than $3000, which can help you save 4% when checking out
VIP 5: You are VIP5 when your VIP XP is more than $3000, which can help you save 5% when checking out.